Editors: Suzanna Sherry & Daniel J. Hay
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2015)
(download entire issue here)
From the Editor, by Suzanna Sherry
Is It Time for the End of Typicality?, by Kristin MacDonnell (with a preface by Scott Dodson)
Volume 1, Issue 2 (2014)
(download entire issue here)
From the Editor, by Suzanna Sherry
The Duty of Care as a Duty in Rem, by Peter Choi (with a preface by Michael I. Krauss)
Discretion to Tax E-Discovery Costs: A Necessary Reform?, by Corey Patrick Teitz (with a preface by Rhonda Wasserman)
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2014)
(download entire issue here)
Introducing New Voices, by Suzanna Sherry
Whose Majority Is It Anyway? Elite Signaling and Future Public Preferences, by Will Marks (with a preface by Suzanna Sherry)
The People or the Court: Who Reigns Supreme, How, and Why?, by Matthew P. Downer (with a preface by Suzanna Sherry)
The Case for Judicial Review of Direct Democracy, by Elise Hofer (with a preface by Suzanna Sherry)