Editors: some combination of Ross E. Davies, Cattleya M. Concepcion, Ira Brad Matetsky, and Monica Schmidt
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2022 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

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2021 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

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2020 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

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2020 Baker Street Almanac

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With this short preface . . ., by Ross E. Davies

Arthur Conan Doyle in 2019, by Alexis Barquin

Sherlock Holmes and Science 2019, by Carlina de la Cova

Sherlock Holmes and Law 2019, by Ira Brad Matetsky

The Adventure of the Cardboard Box: A New Annotated Edition, by Arthur Conan Doyle, with Mary M. Alcaro, Peter E. Blau, Ross E. Davies, Carlina de la Cova, Jenn Eaker, Jayantika Ganguly, Walter Jaffee, Robert A. James, Roger Johnson, Alexander Katz, Robert S. Katz, Michael Kean, Anastasia Klimchynskaya, Jennifer Kneeland, Nick Martorelli, Ira Brad Matetsky, Scott Monty, Oscar Ross, Greg D. Ruby, Monica Schmidt, Marina Stajić, Jean Upton, Karen Wilson, Burt Wolder, Beverly Wolov, Tamar Zeffren, and Christopher Zordan

Ceramic Sherlock

2019 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

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2018 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

This year’s “Almanac Excerpts” consists of more than mere excerpts – it is the entire “Ethereal Version” of the 2018 Green Bag Almanac & Reader! Download it here.

2017 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

This year’s “Almanac Excerpts” consists of more than mere excerpts – it is the entire “Ethereal Version” of the 2017 Green Bag Almanac & Reader! Download it here.

2016 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

download complete set of excerpts here

Preface & Recommended Reading, by Ross E. Davies

The Year 2015 in Grammar, Language, and Writing, by Bryan A. Garner

The Year in Law 2014-2015, by Gregory F. Jacob

A Year in the Life of the Supreme Court, by Tony Mauro

A Year of Lowering the Bar, by M. Kevin Underhill

Exemplary Law Books of 2015: Five Recommendations, by Femi Cadmus

The Reigate Puzzle: A Lawyerly Annotated Edition, by Arthur Conan Doyle, with an introduction by Catherine Cooke (The Puzzle of “The Reigate Squires”) and annotations by Cattleya M. Concepcion, Joshua Cumby, Ross E. Davies, A. Charles Dean, Clifford S. Goldfarb, Peter H. Jacoby, Jon Lellenberg, Lou Lewis, Joyce Malcolm, Guy Marriott, Ira Brad Matetsky, Hartley R. Nathan & Ronald J. Wainz

Exemplary Law Books of 2015: Five Recommendations, by Susan Phillips Read

The Adventure of the Second Strand, by Ira Brad Matetsky

Exemplary Law Books of 2015: Five Recommendations, by Cedric Merlin Powell

Exemplary Law Books of 2015: Five Recommendations, by Lee Epstein

Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Field Bazaar”: A Bibliography, by Cattleya M. Concepcion

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: The Field Bazaar, Illustrated, by A. Conan Doyle, with illustrations by David Hutchinson and an introduction by Ross E. Davies

The Quotation Mark Puzzle: An Imperfection of “The Field Bazaar,” by Ross E. Davies

Arthur Conan Doyle’s Pig, and Yours: A Challenge, by Ross E. Davies

Pigs of Celebrities, by Gertrude Bacon

Philanthropical (and Apocryphal, or Canonical?) Cricket in Edinburgh: The Geography and Scenery of a Sherlock Holmes Vignette, by Ross E. Davies


2015 Green Bag Almanac & Reader

download complete set of excerpts here

Preface & Recommended Reading, by Ross E. Davies

The Year 2014 in Language & Writing, by Bryan A. Garner

The Year in Law 2013-2014, by Gregory F. Jacob & Rakesh Kilaru

A Term in the Life of the Supreme Court, by Tony Mauro

A Year of Lowering the Bar 2013-2014, by M. Kevin Underhill

The Adventure of the Norwood Builder: A Lawyerly Annotated Edition, by A. Conan Doyle, Andrew Jay Peck, Hadar Aviram, Cattleya M. Concepcion, Joshua Cumby, Ross E. Davies, Geoffrey B. Fehling, Clifford S. Goldfarb, Robert M. Jarvis, Guy Marriott, Ira Brad Matetsky, Albert M. Rosenblatt & Julia Rosenblatt

The Adventure of the Norwood Builder: Excerpts from the Manuscript, by Jon Lellenberg

The Adventure of the Elusive Postcard, by Cattleya M. Concepcion

The Adventure of the New York World, by Ira Brad Matetsky

Smoking Out the “Norwood Builder”: A Bibliography and Search for an Early Booklet, by Cattleya M. Concepcion

The Regulatory Adventure of the Two Norwood Builders, by Ross E. Davies